Introductory Classes
PCOTC recommends all dogs start their training by attending Family Manners Foundation (for dogs 5 months and older), even if they have begun training at home or taken classes elsewhere.
In this class, owners will learn to use dog-friendly training methods as they teach their pets to sit, lie down, wait, walk on a loose leash, come when called and more. This class will help you build a strong relationship with your dog, and to manage your pet comfortably in your home.
If your dog is too young for FM Foundation, AKC Star Puppy or Puppy Pre-K is for puppies age 10 weeks to 5 months at the start of class. Your puppy´s early months are a critical informative time during which your puppy learns to interact appropriately with different people, dogs and environments that the world has to offer. This class will help you make the most of this developmental window and build the foundation for a friendly, confident, well-mannered adult dog.
If you have completed FM Foundation and are looking to advance and fine tune your training, then continue to FM Skills. Now that you and your dog have learned the basics of reward-based training in Family Manners Foundation, you are ready to kick it up a notch. In this intermediate-level class, you will build reliability by training in an increasingly distracting environment and with gradually increased distance and duration, while fading the lures and additional prompts. The ultimate goal is a dog that will reliably respond to your cues no matter what is going on around him. Prerequisite: FM Foundation
Foundation Essentials: This is your starting point within the PCOTC Agility Program. This class teaches your team the learning structure and skills that will be utilized throughout all other agility classes: Clicker training, principles of operant conditioning, obedience and positional cues related to agility, focus, impulse control, drive, play and working through distraction. Introduction to agility equipment will occur as appropriate for the skill level of team, but will not be the focus of Foundation Essentials. These skills will carry over to all future training and subsequently, this class should be repeated as necessary. Dogs of any age including puppies. Once proficient, or with prior instructor approval, your team may enroll in any of the four Foundation Concentration classes.
Introduction to Nose Work:
Introduce you and your dog to the exciting new sport of K9 Nose Work. In this class, your dog will learn “the game:” searching for hidden treats using his nose alone. The focus is on simple box drills that will allow your dog to develop his or her natural scenting abilities, identify when “the game is on” and build interest, enthusiasm and the confidence to work independently. Prerequisite: None
Bridging the Gap: An Introduction to Obedience: Want to take that training to the next level and have fun? Going forward there are lots of games to learn that are core skills using shaping, targeting, heads-up heeling, turns on the forehand, kickback stands, come when called, drops, backing up and tidy sits. All of them are included here in the Bridging the Gap class, an introduction to Obedience. Whether for fun or for future competition, Obedience helps to fine-tune a dog's basic skills and manners as well as developing a long lasting relationship between dog and handler. Pre-requisite: Family Manners Foundation
Pre-Competition/Pre-Novice: Starting up a young dog or retraining your current obedience/Rally dog for competition? Emphasis on skills needed for Beginner Novice, Pre-Novice, and Novice Rally competitions. We work on skills to enhance your heeling, dog's attention, and work with Stays. Play training is also incorporated to get the most out of your dog. Training is based on individual´s skills and dog's level. We have tons of fun in this class! Prerequisite: Must have been through Puppy class and/or FM Foundation or higher level. Exceptions are made with instructor's approval.
Beginner Novice: Take you training to the next level by getting started in AKC Obedience. Emphasis on skills needed for Beginner Novice, Novice, and Rally Novice competitions. With the use of marker training we work on skills to start heeling, attention, Stays, Stand and the Recall. Play training is also incorporated to get the most out of your dog. Prerequisite: FM Foundation, FM Skills, or instructors approval.
Rally Novice/Intermediate Courses: This class will introduce handler/dog teams to the fun and challenging sport of Rally, as well as continue the development of more experienced students. All exercises in AKC Novice and WCRL Level l, which are performed on-leash, will be covered. You will also learn the rules and regulations of the sport and have fun practicing on real Rally courses. Whether or not you plan to rally on toward your Rally Novice or WCRL Level I titles, you and your dog will improve your teamwork and enjoy working together. Prerequisite: Bridging the Gap, Pre-Competition/Pre-Novice, Building Blocks or equivalent.